IDE for GoLang

Table of Contents


Okay, I started to learn a GoLang. After ridding tutorials from Go: Step by Step I need to practice.

I can use a notepad, but will it productivity and comfortable?

Absolutely not! Powerful instruments, like refactoring, renaming, code completion and etc, helping us write code more quickly this better quality.

Choosing IDE

I need a powerful and useful tool for write that code.

Right now, I see only very short list of IDE for write Go code:


IDE have very specific UI. Skipping.


Old school. But for me it’s terrible instrument. Skipping.


Very powerful IDE, but cost some money. Thinking about it later. Skipping.

VS Code or Codium

This variant is better for me right now. But that should I choose?

Rob O’Leary write a post about comparanse between this products. Also a lot of post available in the internet.

And I choose a Codium.

Install Codium

Let`s install Codium via simple command

brew install --cask vscodium

Install necessary extensions

Now, install extensions that help us do our job with more more productivity.

Open Codium, click on Extensions and install:

  • Go - the basic extensions for add GoLang support for Codium;
  • Go mock - help us generate a mock this mockery.

All right! I have an IDE and extensions. Try to write some code?

No! Before write some code, we`l install additional packages for better development.

Install usefull package


Well, Is a checking code wich lint a good ide? Sure. That`s mean that we need golangci-lint checker! Install it with:

brew install golangci-lint

For checking code simply run in folder with code a command:

golangci-lint run

Static check

Now, how about a static check? Wery good idea:

brew install staticcheck

For use it, run in folder with code a command:

staticcheck ./...


  • I install Codium IDE;
  • Codium Go extensions;
  • Some useful packages.

Hooray! Now, I’m ready to write code!